Located in the Historic Walker's Point Area of Milwaukee, the building was constructed in 1894, to serve as a Schlitz Brewery cooperage house – making huge barrels for beer brewing and transport. It was sold in 1905, and used as a distribution center. Sold again in 1922, the patina of coal dust and oil was kept on the front windows, the front door remained locked, and entry to the city's newest speakeasy was through the alleyway entrance. Meanwhile, the ABC Soda Company set up a "soda bottling line", which was used to bottle imported hooch from Canada which was transported in the same style barrel as had been made here for Schlitz.
None of the architecture or antiquities in Shaker's is indigenous to the building, not even the authentic tin ceiling which actually came from the razed Plankinton Mansion. We are told that this is one reason we have a bevy of different spiritual entities, is that each architectural piece came from a different location.
Because of the authentic period look and feel, Shaker's was used extensively as a location site for the Speakeasy and office scenes in the 1990's produced Warner Brothers movie "Dillinger." We are also frequently used by commercial photographers and advertising agencies as an authentic period location setting.
About the Spiritual Awakening. Yes, Virginia, Shaker's is haunted, or at least occupied with several well-adjusted Entities, who prefer to call this cozy old joynt home. Sign-up for a guided tour, or solo enlightenment stay-over in the Penthouse. You may become a believer; however, you will not be sorry.
I sincerely hope your visit is a fulfilling and stimulating experience and that you feel compelled to return frequently.
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